Adoration Chapel



St. Theresa of Lisieux Adoration Chapel

Open: Tuesdays, 9am - 6pm

We are excited to announce that the chapel will now be opened 2 days a week! The one day of Adoration has gone well and we are ready to open another day. Starting on July 29th, the chapel will be opened on Thursdays, as well as Tuesdays. Seating will still be limited to just 5 people to ensure 6ft social distance spacing. The chapel is air conditioned and has an air purifier. The same protocols we follow for Mass will be used: sanitize your hands before/after entering. Each adorer will be instructed on how to sanitize their chair and kneeler when they leave. We have removed all worship aids & rosaries, so please bring your own. If you would like to sign up for a particular Tuesday hour, please call Irene, Chapel Coordinator at 622-7775.







St. Theresa of Lisieux
Adoration Chapel

Chapel Hours: 9am - 6pm (Currently Tuesdays only)

Blessed Sacrament Parish invites the
larger Catholic Community to respond to
the Lord's invitation

"to come aside and rest awhile."
Eucharistic Adoration Heals
the soul and transforms our world.

Please, think about sharing one hour with Jesus in Adoration.

If you’re not able to commit to a permanent hour, you could help by covering an hour for one day or even for a week or two?

For more information please call

Irene de Repentigny, Chapel Coordinator at 622-7775.
