Mass Times

Mass Schedule 
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
No Mass on Wednesdays
8:30 am
Saturday Vigil  4:00 pm
Sunday  7:00 am, 10:30 am
St. Anthony Devotion Every Tuesday After Mass
 Holy Days 
 Vigil Mass  6:00 pm
 Holy Day Mass  8:30 am
Saturday (Church) 3:00 pm
Office Hours 

Monday - Friday
Closed legal holidays
Office closed on Tuesdays

9:00am - 5:00pm
 Sacramental Programs 
Marriage Arrangements need to be made at least six months in advance.  Call for an appointment.
Baptism Is celebrated the last Sunday of each month. Call to make arrangments.
Sick Calls Please inform us when the aged and sick cannot attend Mass or request the Sacrament of the Sick.